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Mr Marek Musioł at the conference „Partners or competitors. Building relations between in-house lawyers and law firms“ CONFERENCE

Date of publication: Dienstag, der 20. September 2011

Der Beitrag ist in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

Mr Marek Musioł participated in the conference: „Partners or Competitors. Building Relations Between In-House Lawyers and Law Firms“ – organized by Wolters Kluwer Polska at the Marriot Hotel in Warsaw.
It was a second edition of the conference dedicated to relations between in-house lawyers and law firms. The basis of the discussion on the model of legal advising in companies and cooperation of in-house lawyers and external law firms was a presentation of results of the fourth edition of the survey on the condition of legal service in Polish companies. The issues were discussed by representatives of law offices, businessmen and in-house lawyers.