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LEGAL 500 EMEA 2010

Datum der Veröffentlichung: Montag, der 19. April 2010

Der Beitrag ist in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

Marek Musioł Law Office, next to the biggest legal companies in Poland, is recommended in category of dispute resolution in the newest edition (2010) of Legal 500 publication.

It is another Legal 500′ recommendation of our law office. In previous years, recommendations also concerned the categories of corporate law and mergers and acquisitions.

Legal 500 is a prestigious series of publications on the subject of legal services market, issued in 70 countries since 1988, by the London’s publishing house Legalease. Analiticians of Legal 500 run an independent research and describe the changes of trends on the legal services market.

Explanation of Legal 500 recommendation below:

Marek Musioł Law Office employs nine lawyers with great experience in court disputes. Recent cases concerned representing group of Polish companies in bankruptcy proceedings and a leading case of feasibility of the international arbitration ruling in Poland. Marek Musioł completed judicial apprenticeship and he is a legal counsel with great international experience.

and here: http://www.legal500.com/firms/12658/offices/15713.